About Us

Wade and Joanna


Joanna and I have been living on Guam since February 2022, and plan to continue for the next few years. We are working under the oversight of the eldership at North Brandon church of Christ, doing what we can to spread the gospel to every soul here, as well as trying to make the lives of those we work with better. “One Soul at a Time” is not a slogan, it is a goal.

It was our intent when we first came here to try to help grow the one congregation that has been meeting on the island for many decades, and then to establish more congregations as we and others see the need. We are now in the second phase of that, with the church of Christ Guam now meeting in our home to worship and glorify God.

We want to thank all those who fellowship financially with us in our work, those who pray for us, those who send cards, and of course the great elders who oversee our work. Without all of those folks, we would not be living and working on a little island out in the Pacific Ocean.

We Love You,
Wade and Joanna